My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Global ranking - Electricity production from oil, gas and coal sources (% of total)   2015

Description Sources of electricity refer to the inputs used to generate electricity. Oil refers to crude oil and petroleum products. Gas refers to natural gas but excludes natural gas liquids. Coal refers to all coal and brown coal, both primary (including hard coal and lignite-brown coal) and derived fuels (including patent fuel, coke oven coke, gas coke, coke oven gas, and blast furnace gas). Peat is also included in this category.
Unit of measure %
Aggregate operator Average
Qatar 100.00
Bahrain 100.00
Kuwait 100.00
Libya 100.00
Oman 100.00
Yemen 100.00
Botswana 99.97
Brunei 99.95
United Arab Emirates 99.77

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