My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

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Agricultural land (% of land area)

United States China Germany

Agricultural land (sq. km)

United States China Germany

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing: value added (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Cereal production

United States China Germany

Cereal yield (kg per hectare)

United States China Germany

Employment in agriculture (% of total employment)

United States China Germany

Fertilizer consumption (% of fertilizer production)

United States China Germany

Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land)

United States China Germany

Freshwater withdrawals, agriculture (% of total freshwater withdrawal)

United States China Germany


Agriculture, forestry, and fishing: value added (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Aquaculture production

United States China Germany

Capture fisheries production

United States China Germany


Arms exports

United States China Germany

Arms imports

United States China Germany


Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force)

United States China Germany

Armed forces personnel, total

United States China Germany

Military expenditure (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Military expenditure (% of general government expenditure)

United States China Germany


Employers, female

United States China Germany

Employers, male

United States China Germany

Employers, total

United States China Germany


Agriculture, forestry, and fishing: value added (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Industry: value added (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Market capitalization of listed domestic companies

United States China Germany

Market capitalization of listed domestic companies (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Time required to start a business

United States China Germany


Time required to start a business

United States China Germany

Economic Growth


United States China Germany

Gdp per capita

United States China Germany

GDP per person employed

United States China Germany

GNI (current US$)

United States China Germany

GNI growth

United States China Germany

GNI per capita (constant 2015 US$)

United States China Germany

GNI, Atlas method (current US$)

United States China Germany

Growth rate

United States China Germany


Surface area

United States China Germany


Adjusted net national income per capita

United States China Germany

Gini Index

United States China Germany

Income share held by fourth 20%

United States China Germany

Income share held by highest 20%

United States China Germany

Income share held by lowest 20%

United States China Germany

Income share held by second 20%

United States China Germany

Income share held by third 20%

United States China Germany

Poverty headcount ratio at $ 6.85 a day

United States China Germany

Poverty headcount ratio at $2.15 a day

United States China Germany

Poverty headcount ratio at $3.65 a day

United States China Germany

Education expenditure

Government expenditure on education (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Government expenditure on education (% of government expenditure)

United States China Germany


Literacy rate

China Italy Chile


Government expenditure per student, primary

United States Germany Japan

Primary education, teachers

United States China Germany


Government expenditure per student, secondary

United States Germany Japan

Secondary education, teachers

United States China Germany


Government expenditure per student, tertiary

United States China Germany


Access to electricity

United States China Germany

Electric power consumption

United States China Germany

Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total)

United States China Germany

Electricity production from nuclear sources (% of total)

United States China Germany

Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total)

United States China Germany

Import energy (% of energy use)

United States China Germany

Renewable electricity output (% of total electricity output)

United States China Germany

Renewable energy consumption

United States China Germany

Fossil energy

Electricity production from coal sources (% of total)

United States China Germany

Electricity production from oil, gas and coal sources (% of total)

United States China Germany

Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total)

United States China Germany

Oil rents (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany


Freshwater withdrawals, agriculture (% of total freshwater withdrawal)

United States China Germany

Natural resources

Coal rents (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Forest area (sq. km)

United States China Germany

Forest extension (% of land area)

United States China Germany

Mineral rents

United States China Germany

Natural gas rents

United States China Germany

Natural resources rents

United States China Germany

Water productivity

United States China Germany


CO2 emissions (kt)

United States China Germany

CO2 emissions from transport

United States China Germany

CO2 emissions per capita

United States China Germany

PM2.5 air pollution

United States China Germany

PM2.5 air pollution, population exposed to levels exceeding WHO guideline value

United States China Germany

External debt stocks

Current account balance (BoP)

United States China Germany

External debt stocks

China Russian Federation Senegal

External debt stocks (% of GNI)

China Russian Federation Senegal

External debt stocks, private nonguaranteed

China Russian Federation Senegal

External debt stocks, public and publicly guaranteed

China Russian Federation Senegal

External debt stocks, short-term

China Russian Federation Senegal

Foreign direct investment, net inflows

United States China Germany

Use of IMF credit

China Russian Federation Senegal


Personal remittances, received

United States China Germany

Banking and credit system

Automated teller machines

United States China Germany

Bank capital to assets ratio

United States China Germany

Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans

United States China Germany

Deposit interest rate

China Japan United Kingdom

Domestic credit provided by financial sector

United States Japan Chile

Domestic credit to private sector

United States China Germany

Domestic credit to private sector by banks

United States China Germany

Interest rate spread

China Japan United Kingdom

Lending interest rate

United States China Japan

Net domestic credit

United States China Germany

Real interest rate

United States China Japan

Strength of legal rights index

United States China Germany


Inflation, consumer prices

United States China Germany

Inflation, Gdp deflator

United States China Germany


Broad money

United States China Japan


Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio

United States Japan Chile

Total reserves (% of total external debt)

China Russian Federation Brazil

Total reserves (includes gold)

United States China Germany

Total reserves minus gold

United States China Germany

Agricultural products

Cereal production

United States China Germany

Cereal yield (kg per hectare)

United States China Germany

Food & Economy

Food exports (% of merchandise exports)

United States China Germany

Food imports (% of merchandise imports)

United States China Germany

Seafood products

Aquaculture production

United States China Germany

Capture fisheries production

United States China Germany


Employers, female

United States China Germany

Female employment-to-population ratio

United States China Germany

Female unemployment

United States China Germany

Part time employment, female

United States Germany Japan

Pregnant women receiving prenatal care

China France Senegal

Proportion of seats held by women in parliaments

United States China Germany

Self-employed, female

United States China Germany


Employers, male

United States China Germany

Male employment-to-population ratio

United States China Germany

Male unemployment

United States China Germany

Part time employment, male

United States Germany Japan

Self-employed, male

United States China Germany


Alcohol consumption

United States China Germany

Death rate

United States China Germany

Death rate under -5

United States China Germany

Life expectancy at birth

United States China Germany

Mortality caused by road traffic injury

United States China Germany

Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD between exact ages 30 and 70

United States China Germany

Health care

Hospital beds

United States China Germany


United States China Germany

Pregnant women receiving prenatal care

China France Senegal

Health expenditure

Current health expenditure

United States China Germany

Domestic general government health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)

United States China Germany

Domestic general government health expenditure (% of general government expenditure)

United States China Germany

Domestic general government health expenditure per capita

United States China Germany

Collective bargaining

Coverage collective bargaining

United States China Germany


Trade union density rate

United States China Germany


Individuals using the Internet (% of population)

United States China Germany


Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people)

United States China Germany

Foreign direct investment

Foreign direct investment, net (BoP, current US$)

United States China Germany

Foreign direct investment, net inflows

United States China Germany

Foreign direct investment, net outflows

United States China Germany


Armed forces personnel, total

United States China Germany

Children in employment, total (% of children ages 7-14)

Chile Senegal Brazil

Employment in agriculture (% of total employment)

United States China Germany

Employment in industry

United States China Germany

Employment in services

United States China Germany

Employment-to-population ratio

United States China Germany

Female employment-to-population ratio

United States China Germany

GDP per person employed

United States China Germany

Male employment-to-population ratio

United States China Germany

Part time employment

United States Germany Japan

Part time employment, female

United States Germany Japan

Part time employment, male

United States Germany Japan

Vulnerable employment

United States China Germany

Human capital

Human Capital Index

United States China Germany

Labor force

Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force)

United States China Germany

Labor force

United States China Germany

Participation rate

United States China Germany


Labour productivity (Gdp in constant 2010)

United States China Germany

Labour productivity (Gdp in constant 2010)

United States China Germany



United States China Germany

Self-employed, female

United States China Germany

Self-employed, male

United States China Germany


Female unemployment

United States China Germany

High skills unemployment

United States Germany Japan

Male unemployment

United States China Germany


United States China Germany


Wage and salaried workers

United States China Germany

Central government debt

Central government debt (current LCU)

United States Japan United Kingdom

Central government debt / Gdp

United States Germany Japan

Interest payments (% of expense)

United States Germany Japan


Domestic general government health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)

United States China Germany

Domestic general government health expenditure (% of general government expenditure)

United States China Germany

Domestic general government health expenditure per capita

United States China Germany

Expense (% of Gdp)

United States Germany Japan

Government expenditure on education (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Government expenditure on education (% of government expenditure)

United States China Germany

Government expenditure per student, primary

United States Germany Japan

Government expenditure per student, secondary

United States Germany Japan

Government expenditure per student, tertiary

United States China Germany

Military expenditure (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Military expenditure (% of general government expenditure)

United States China Germany


Patent applications, nonresidents

United States China Germany

Patent applications, residents

United States China Germany


Firms that spend on R&D (% of firms)

Argentina Morocco Peru

R&D spending

United States China Germany

Scientific research


United States China Germany

Scientific and technical journal articles

United States China Germany


High-technology exports

United States China Germany

High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)

United States China Germany


Age dependency ratio

United States China Germany

Age dependency ratio, old

United States China Germany

Age dependency ratio, young

United States China Germany

Birth rate

United States China Germany

Death rate

United States China Germany

Death rate under -5

United States China Germany

Fertility rate

United States China Germany

Individuals using the Internet (% of population)

United States China Germany

Life expectancy at birth

United States China Germany

Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people)

United States China Germany


United States China Germany

Population 0-14 years

United States China Germany

Population density

United States China Germany

Population growth

United States China Germany

Population in the largest city

United States China Germany

Population living in cities over 1 million inhabitants

United States China Germany

Population living in slums

China Chile Senegal

Population over 64 years

United States China Germany

Urban population

United States China Germany

Drugs and Crime

Intentional homicides

United States China Germany

Income distribution

Gini Index

United States China Germany

Income share held by fourth 20%

United States China Germany

Income share held by highest 20%

United States China Germany

Income share held by lowest 20%

United States China Germany

Income share held by second 20%

United States China Germany

Income share held by third 20%

United States China Germany


International migrant stock

United States China Germany

International migrant stock (% of population)

United States China Germany

Net migration

United States China Germany

Refugee population by country or territory of asylum

United States China Germany

Refugee population by country or territory of origin

United States China Germany


Proportion of seats held by women in parliaments

United States China Germany


Poverty headcount ratio at $ 6.85 a day

United States China Germany

Poverty headcount ratio at $2.15 a day

United States China Germany

Poverty headcount ratio at $3.65 a day

United States China Germany


Arms exports

United States China Germany

Exports of goods and services (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Food exports (% of merchandise exports)

United States China Germany

Fuel exports

United States China Germany

Goods exports

United States China Germany

High-technology exports

United States China Germany

High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)

United States China Germany

Merchandise exports to high-income economies

United States China Germany

Ores and metals exports

United States China Germany

Service exports

United States China Germany


Arms imports

United States China Germany

Food imports (% of merchandise imports)

United States China Germany

Fuel imports

United States China Germany

Goods imports

United States China Germany

Import energy (% of energy use)

United States China Germany

Imports of goods and services (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Merchandise imports from high-income economies

United States China Germany

Service imports

United States China Germany


Cost to export, border compliance

United States China Germany

Cost to import, border compliance

United States China Germany

Taxes on international trade (% of revenue)

United States China Germany

Trade (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Trade in services (% of Gdp)

United States China Germany

Air transport

Passengers carried

United States China Germany

Railway transport

Railway (kilometers)

United States China Germany

Railways, goods transported

United States China Germany

Railways, passengers carried

United States China Germany

Road mobility

Mortality caused by road traffic injury

United States China Germany


International tourism, expenditures (% of total imports)

United States China Germany

International tourism, number of arrivals

United States China Germany

International tourism, number of departures

United States China Germany

International tourism, receipts (% of total exports)

United States China Germany